Object oriented programming was coined by Alan Kay circa 1966 or 1967 while Alan Kay circa in grad school. Object oriented programming is a programming characterized by the identification of classes of objects that are closely linked with methods which are functions with which they are associated and also includes inheritance of attributes and methods. The WHAT is, object oriented programming is a paradigm that uses objects to contain data to enable it to organize models instead of actions. It is focused on logic behind actions rather than objects itself. Object oriented programming develops to identify objects that the designer wants to manipulate and design models around a particular object. For example, name and so on into small widgets that we find in our smart devices. These objects allow us to reuse code written for other functions and objects mostly class based as well. Different classes are then modeled and organized by logic that manipulates it and subclasses that are related to objects also share characteristics and methods to their parent class. The WHY is, Object-oriented programming reduces development time because you can reuse code and develop models based on previous objects. Objects also separate themselves to prevent accidental overwriting or influence from other programs. It's clean and efficient. Software development is smoother, and the code is clean. Major organizations switched to OOP languages a while back in an attempt to scale. Modularity for easier troubleshooting, this modularity allows an IT team to work on multiple objects simultaneously while minimizing the chance that one person might duplicate someone else’s functionality. Reuse of code through inheritance and effective problem solving. In conclusion, this article displays and elaborates on what object oriented programming is, why object oriented programming should have and is important to learn.

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